I've seen pesto eggs all over Instagram and finally had the time to try making it at home. This simple meal is packed with flavor and so simple to make. I've seen many variations but I decided to wing it and use what I had on hand.
You can make your own pesto (3 or more days in advance) or buy pesto from the store. It's honestly so easy to make but if you don't already have the ingredients on hand (like oil, nuts), it can be quite expensive. Traditional pesto is made with pine nuts but walnuts have slightly less fat and are less expensive and they still make an incredible pesto in my opinion. In the end, it's your choice! If you do make pesto, store it in a glass jar and place a piece of saran wrap directly touching the top layer of pesto. This will slow down the browning of your pesto, which is totally normal (if you've ever stored basil in the fridge you know what I mean).

Ingredients (pesto, 5+ servings):
1 oz fresh basil
3 tbsp freshly grated parmesan
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup walnuts or pine nuts
1/2 tsp salt
Ingredients (per serving/1 egg):
1 large egg
1 slice of bread of choice (I used Dave Killer's Bread)
1 oz (about 5 whole) sliced cherub tomatoes (optional)
14 oz (1/8 cup) shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil spray
Directions (pesto):
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until a fine paste forms. Taste and add more oil, parmesan, or salt to taste. Pesto is very forgiving so don't worry if you add too much or too little of something. At this point I just go by eye and whatever I'm feeling.
Directions (egg):
In a small frying pan over medium heat, coat in oil spray and place about 1 oz of pesto in the frying pan spreading it so that it forms a disc about the size of a cracked egg. Give it a minute or two, then crack your egg into the pesto. Cook your egg until you reached the desired firmness adding your mozzarella about 1/2 of the way through so that it melts. Meanwhile, toast your bread to your desired level. On a small plate, place the piece of toast then your friend pesto egg on top of the piece of toast. Add your tomatoes to the small frying pan you just cooked your egg in and give them a minute or two just to warm up and soak up the flavors. Season will salt and pepper to taste, then transfer them to your plate. Serve warm.