Founder and Food Blogger

"I'm like Pinterest, but with real expectations."
Hey! My name is Fran and I'm an amateur baker and cook. I started Francipes (Fran+recipes) at the start of 2015 as a Facebook page, and it quickly grew into much more.
The inspiration for Francipes came from friends and family constantly asking me for recipes, and realizing that it would be so much easier if I just had a place to store all of them... which is what prompted me to create Francipes, the Facebook page (and later this website).
Say hi!
If you're interested in guest blogging, please read the guidelines.
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I don't have a culinary background, but since I was little I have been experimenting in the kitchen. Not everything that I have made has turned out good (or even edible), but with a little trial and error I have come to perfect many recipes, and learned from my mistakes.
My mission with Francipes is to share what I've learned in the kitchen through personal experience, and give you some tips and tricks on how to bake the perfect chocolate cake, or make a great summer meal. Have you ever tried a recipe, only to find that it looks nothing like the picture? That's where I come in. You could say that I'm like Pinterest, but with real expectations.
Most of the recipes are not mine, but I always give credit to the original author, even if I deviate from the recipe and make it my own. I encourage you to try any of the recipes on my website and give me feedback in the comments, good or bad!
​I look forward to sharing my kitchen experiences with you!